Machine Learning

Transform Machine Software and Intelligence with Machine Learning

Machine learning Service

Machine learning is an umbrella definition of various cloud-based platforms that cover most infrastructure issues such as data pre-processing, model training, and model evaluation, with further prediction. Prediction results can be bridged with your internal IT infrastructure through REST APIs. We empower industry best data scientists and developers with a wide range of productive experiences to build, train, and deploy machine learning models and foster team collaboration. Accelerate time to market with industry-leading machine learning Ops—DevOps for machine learning. Innovate on a secure, trusted platform, designed for responsible machine learning.

The growing interest in machine learning is due to the factors that have made data mining and analysis more popular than ever. Things like growing volumes and varieties of available data, computational processing that is cheaper and more powerful, and affordable data storage.It's possible to quickly and automatically produce models that can analyze bigger, more complex data and deliver faster, more accurate results – even on a very large scale. And by building precise models, an organization has a better chance of identifying profitable opportunities – or avoiding unknown risks.

To create good machine learning systems, we will need following attributes

  • Data preparation capabilities.

  • Algorithms – basic and advanced.

  • Automation and iterative processes.

  • Scalability.

  • Ensemble modeling.


Machine Learningat all skill levels

Productivity for all levels, with drag-and-drop design automation machine learning.

End-to-end Machine Learning OPs

Our capabilities that include but not limited enable creation and deployments of models at scale using automated and reproducible machine learning workflows.


Responsible machine learning innovation

Rich set of built-incapabilities to understand, protect, and control data, models, and processes.


Open and interoperable

Best-in-class support for open-source frameworks and languages including MLflow, Kubeflow,TensorFlow, Python, and R.

Who is using Machine learning?

Most industries working with large amounts of data have recognized the value of machine learning technology. By gleaning insights from this data – often in real time – organizations can work more efficiently or gain an advantage over competitors.

Financial services

Banks and other businesses in the financial industry use machine learning technology for two key purposes: to identify important insights in data and prevent fraud. The insights can identify investment opportunities, or help investors know when to trade. Data mining can also identify clients with high-risk profiles or use cybersurveillance to pinpoint warning signs of fraud.


Government agencies such as public safety and utilities have a particular need for machine learning since they have multiple sources of data that can be mined for insights. Analyzing sensor data, for example, identifies ways to increase efficiency and save money. Machine learning can also help detect fraud and minimize identity theft.


Machine learning is a fast-growing trend in the health care industry, thanks to the advent of wearable devices and sensors that can use data to assess a patient's health in real time. The technology can also help medical experts analyze data to identify trends or red flags that may lead to improved diagnoses and treatment.


Websites items you might like based on previous purchases are using machine learning to analyze your buying history. Retailers rely on machine learning to capture data, analyze it and use it to personalize a shopping experience, implement a marketing campaign, price optimization, merchandise supply-chain planning, and for customer insights.

Oil, Gas and Energy

Finding new energy sources. Analyzing minerals in the ground. Predicting refinery sensor failure. Streamlining oil distribution to make it more efficient and cost-effective. The number of machine learning use cases for this industry is vast – and still expanding.


Analyzing data to identify patterns and trends is key to the transportation industry, which relies on making routes more efficient and predicting potential problems to increase profitability. The data analysis and modeling aspects of machine learning are important tools to delivery companies, public transportation, and other transportation companies.

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